Today Money Changers Forex Exchange Quotes (27 January 2014)

January 27, 2014

Myanmar Banks & Authorized Money Changer Centers
Counters Forex Exchange Quotes
WK Authorized Money Changer Counter (1):
27, Thukhawaddy Street, Yankin, Yangon. (Near Sedona Hotel)
Ph: (01) 09-420086345
WK Authorized Money Changer Counter (2):
39, Bo Sein Hman Street, Yangon.
Ph: (01) 09-73028773
WK Authorized Money Changer Counter (3):
5/A, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road (In front of Marina Residence),
Yankin Township, Yangon.
Ph: 0936212121

AGD Bank - Exchange Counters:

CB Bank - Exchange Counters:

AYA Bank - Exchange Counters:

KBZ Bank - Exchange Counters:

UAB Bank - Exchange Counters:

Top Shine - Money Exchange Counter:
193/7, 29th Street, Between 83rd x 84th Street,
Mandalay, Myanmar.
Tel : 011201155

PyaeHeinKyaw (PHK) - Money Exchange Counter:
No.43, West D Block, Bogyoke Market, 11131
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 9 516 3909, +95 9 730 48095

WK - FX Counters [12:50PM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentsSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 979 983 -0.1%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1332 1347 +0.07%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 764 772 0%
JPYJPY MMKMMK 9.21 9.71 +0.1%
CNYCNY MMKMMK 158 164 0%
THBTHB MMKMMK 28.85 30.35 -0.16%
MYRMYR MMKMMK 279 299 -0.33%
AUDAUD MMKMMK 833 858 0%

TOP SHINE - Counter [01:40PM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 979 984 -0.2%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1327 1347 +0.15%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 764 774 -0.13%

PHK - Counter [11:40AM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 981 983 -0.1%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1335 1345 -0.15%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 768 774 0%

AYA Bank Counters [10:30AM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 980 987 -0.2%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1340 1361 -0.07%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 766 778 0%

KBZ Bank Counters [11:15AM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 981 988 -0.1%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1340 1351 0%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 768 778 +0.13%

CB Bank Counters [11:10AM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 982 987 -0.2%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1345 1355-0.22%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 767 775 -0.52%

AGD Bank Counters [02:00PM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 979 986 -0.1%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1339 1355 -0.22%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 764 775 -0.26%

UAB Bank Counters [11:30AM, 27-1-2014]
InstrumentSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 980 988 -0.2%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1340 1358 0%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 768 778 -0.13%

*The times herewith stated are based on Myanmar local time zone (UTC+06:30).

*The forex quotes from herewith stated money changers are "(SELL Rates) You SELL to FX counters & (BUY Rates) You BUY from FX counters" and the rates can vary a lot without prior notice you and for the best exchange rates, so we recommend you shop around. If you have any corrections, then mail to "" or visit ""


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