Today Market Rates (08 November 2011)

November 08, 2011.

From Singapore (SG PNSL Market Zone) to YGN,
1 SGD: 606 Ks @SG Time 03:30PM (* Shop - A)
1 SGD: 607 Ks @SG Time 02:00PM (^ Shop - B)
1 SGD: 610 Ks @SG Time 03:30PM ( ` Shop - C)
1 SGD: 610 Ks @SG Time 03:35PM ( " Shop - D)

YGN OPEN Market Zone @YGN Time-12:30PM
100 Ks: 0.821 - 0.824 (China Yuan)
100 Ks: 3.97 - 3.96 (Thailand Baht)
100 Ks: 10.20 - 10.10 (Bangladesh Taka)
1 USD: 766 - 770 Ks
1 FEC: 760 - 768 Ks
Earning: 809 - 811 Ks
1 SGD: 630 Ks
Gold: 729,000 Ks (YGN) | 728,500 (MDY)

YGN CLOSE Market Zone @YGN Time - 3:00PM
100 Ks: 0.822 - 0.824 (China Yuan)
100 Ks: 3.93 - 3.92 (Thailand Baht)
100 Ks: 10.20 - 10.10 (Bangladesh Taka)
1 USD: 765 - 771 Ks
1 FEC: 763 - 768 Ks
Earning: 809 - 810 Ks
1 SGD: 625 Ks
Gold: 729,000 Ks (YGN) | 728,500 Ks (MDY)

The rates may vary (+ / -) from time to time, depending on exchange amount, various market dealers and they are based on information supplied by leading market data contributors, SG PNSL - Myanmar Shops and YGN - eTm media broadcasting.


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